I truly hope you have enjoyed my site!! Please feel free to stop in often, as much will be added soon. My
Hope and Prayers this day will be: that whoever shall visit this site will KNOW the one and only TRUE prince...the King
of Kings...The Lord Jesus Christ as there personal savior!! For without HIM we CANNOT enter the KINGDOM of GOD!!! So give
yourself the BIGGEST present you can, and call on Jesus to come into your heart and forgive you for your sins...And HE
promises you... EVERLASTING LIFE IN HIS KINGDOM!!!!! Love Linda, "A Child Of The KING"!!!
If you said your prayer and asked Jesus to forgive you for your sins and forever be by YOUR side.... then
you are now a "CHILD OF THE KING" also!! I can't wait to see you in the KINGDOM!!! Linda
Please feel free to email me with any comments or concerns you might have...Linda